The invention relates to the farming industry, and more particularly to the production of sown crops. Proposed is a seed-sowing assembly comprising a seed-sowing apparatus, which contains at least one working member and/or seed dispensing device, and a driving means for same, characterized in that the at least one working member and/or seed dispensing device of the seed-sowing apparatus is provided with a high-pressure nozzle for cleaning same, said nozzle being connected to a system for delivering a liquid or gas at a high pressure of 1 atmosphere and above, which is connected in turn to a control system. Furthermore, a driving means is used which is capable of traveling at a speed of from 6 to 80 km/h over soil having a moisture content which is from 2 percent up to as much as 100 percent higher than the upper moisture content threshold for soil workability, such as a "Bars UTES 271" or an air-cushion vehicle.