Dairy milk contains trace gas mixture, including: dissolved milk in cow milk; monosaccharide with total sugar content less than 5%p/V; lactose supply: trace gas with a total content of less than 10; use; and SO is used to produce an odor mixture produced by cows.
The invention discloses an oligosaccharide mixture derived from cow's milk that can be easily spray dried comprising (a) a soluble oligosaccharide population which is the same as that of soluble oligosaccharides found in cow's milk and (b) ²-galactooligosaccharides formed by the action of ²-galacotsidase on lactose and the milk oligosaccharides. The mixture having a total monosaccharide content of less than 5% w/v and a lactose:oligosaccharide ratio of less than 20. A process for obtaining such a mixture, which includes a nanofiltration step, is disclosed. Nutritional compositions, especially infant formula, comprising said oligosaccharide mixture are also disclosed.MEZCLA DE OLIGOSACARIDOS DERIVADA DE LA LECHA DE VACA QUE COMPRENDE: UNA POBLACION SOLUBLE DE OLIGOSACARIDOS DE LA LECHE DE VACA; GALACTOOLIGOSACARIDOS BETA, CON UN CONTENDIO TOTAL DE MONOSACARIDOS DE MENOS DE 5% DE P/V Y UNA PROPORCION DE LACTOSA: OLIGOSACARIDOS TOTALES DE MENOS DE 10; USOS; PROCESO PARA LA PRODUCCION DE UNA MEZCLA DE OLIGOSACARIDOS DERIVADA DE LA LECHA DE VACA.