The present invention relates to improved formulations of Levosimendan forpharmaceutical use, and particularly forintravenous administration as infusion or injection and of infusionconcentrates. The present invention therefore relates to pharmaceuticalcompositions comprising Levosimendan, in which Levosimendan ispresent in asolubilized form. The formulations havetherapeuticallyand commercial useful concentrations of Levosimendan. Thesolutions of the invention have enhanced ability atphysiological pH (pH 7.4) and are particular useful as infusion or injectionsolutions or infusion concentrates. The composition accordingto the present invention can also be spray-dried or lyophilized to obtain adried powder which is very stable and whichpowder forms the original solutionafter reconstitution in wateror an aqueoussolvent. Levosimendan or (-)-[[4-(1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-4-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridazi-nyl)phenyl]hydrazono]propanedinitrile is useful in the treatment ofcongestive heart failure.