Государственное бюджетное учреждение здравоохранения города Москвы Московский клинический научно-практический центр Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы (RU)
Бяхов Михаил Юрьевич (RU),Поздняков Степан Валерьевич (RU),Атрощенко Андрей Олегович (RU),Лычкова Алла Эдуардовна (RU)
A method of treatment of anal incontinence, including electrical stimulation of the muscles of the anal sphincter, characterized in that the carry electrical survey threshold current impulses excitability of muscle membrane of the internal and external anal sphincter, and 1st degree of anal incontinence conduct electrical stimulation on the 10-day scheme involving 10 sessions electrostimulation of the internal anal sphincter amplitude pulses of 60 mA during the first session, 1-2, and 80 mA in subsequent sessions, with one stimulation duration 4, then 4 to pause for 20 min, the stimulation is carried out daily by a session in one day 10 sessions further external electrical stimulation to the anal sphincter of the pulse amplitude of 40 mA during the first 1-2 sessions to 60 mA in subsequent sessions at the same stimulation duration 3 seconds, followed by 3 with a pause for 20 minutes during which time stimulation is performed daily - 1x per day, 2 nd degree of anal incontinence electrical stimulation performed on the 15-day scheme involving 15 sessions of electrostimulation internal anal sphincter to the amplitude of the pulse of 60 mA in the first session 1-2 and up to 80 mA in the subsequent sessions with a duration of one stimulation 4 then 4 with a pause for 20 minutes during which time stimulation is performed daily for one session per day 15 treatments electrostimulation external anal sphincter with an amplitude of 40 mA pulses in the first 1-2 sessions to 60 mA in subsequent sessions at the same duration stimulation 3 s, followed by 3 to pause for 20 minutes, though the stimulation is carried out on a daily basis - 1 session per day, 3rd degree of anal incontinence electrical stimulation performed on the 20-dayСпособ терапии анальной инконтиненции, включающий электрическую стимуляцию мышцы анального сфинктера, отличающийся тем, что осуществляют электрическое исследование пороговыми импульсами тока возбудимости мышечной оболочки внутреннего и внешнего анальног