FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: rehabilitation of children with chronic microbial-inflammatory urinary diseases with the low immune status is ensured by the staged rehabilitation treatment of patients in the stage of complete and partial clinical and laboratory remission. The first stage involves a complex whereat the patient is exposed to ultraviolet short-wave beams according to the standard technique including tonsils, and endonasally according to the standard technique every second day within the 16-21-day therapeutic course. That is followed by a helper stimulation of a chest by means of Helper apparatus with using 19, 20 and 21 sternal point for 3-5 minutes for each within the 7-10-day daily therapeutic course. Therapeutic exercises and phytotherapy are prescribed next with using essences, namely sage, or mint, or aniseed, or eucalypt essences, every second day within the 7-10-day therapeutic course. Thereafter, 3-4 months later at the second stage of rehabilitation, inhalations with immunopotentiating agents, namely 0.5% lysozyme, or sodium nucleinate, or aralia infusion, or ginseng infusion, or eleuterococcus infusion, or aloe extract are prescribed in the form of 10-15 minute daily procedures. The adrenal glands are stimulated with a low-frequency alternating magnetic field generated by Polus-1 stimulator, daily for 10-20 minutes within the therapeutic course of 10-20 procedures. That is followed by the helper stimulation of a thymus by means of Helper apparatus with using 19, 20 and 21 sternal point for 3-5 minutes for each within the 7-10-day therapeutic course. The patient does therapeutic exercises. At the 3rd stage 3-4 months later, the patient is subject to an extremely high frequency electromagnetic exposure covering the middle one-third of the sternum for 5-25 minutes within the therapeutic course of 8-10 procedures, daily or every second day or the thymus helper stimulation is applied or a splenin or interferon phonophoresis on the submandibular lymph n