In the present invention, a warm bath effect is maximized by using mineral water from abandoned coal mines. The warm bath effect is well known in Korea and accordingly baths for foot, warming hand and foot, half body and sitz bath exist in at least one million Korean houses. According to the method of warm bath, people stay in a warm bath whose temperature is between 42 and 45 degree Celsius for thirty minutes and release sweat by smoothly circulating blood like aerobic exercise as people run 20km, so the warm bath is used for relieving fatigue and stress, improving skin and preventing aging. Usually, tap water is used when people start the warm bath. In the present invention, the tap water is replaced with mineral water from abandoned coal mines, which includes rich natural germanium and various main minerals, so the mineral water can maximize the warm bath effect by discharging waste products, heavy metals and impurities out via sweat pores. The mineral water used in the warm bath is packed in a 20L plastic container and is expected to be heavy, thereby taking more distribution costs and leading to inconvenience of consumers. Therefore, in the present invention, provided is a method for manufacturing an additive used in the warm bath by using a freeze concentration which preserves components and restores the function of the component when hydrated, comprising steps of concentrating 20L of mineral water to 500-1000cc and supplying the same as an additive for the warm bath, thus enabling consumers to dilute the same in 40-60L of water in a simple manner.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015본 발명은,국내 각 가정에 100만개 이상 보급되어 일반화된 족욕기, 좌욕기, 수족온욕기, 반신욕기 등에 수돗물을 담아 섭씨 42도∼45도에서 30분간 땀을 빼는 방법으로 20km를 달리기를 하는 유산소 운동의 효과로 혈액 순환을 원활하게 하여 하루의 쌓인 피로를 풀어주어 스트레스해소 피부미용, 피부 노화방지 등에 이용되고 있는바 이때 사용하는 수돗물 대신,천연 게르마늄과 각종 주요 미네랄이 풍부하게 함유된 석탄 폐광지의 광천수(지하수)를 이용함으로서 땀구멍을 통하여 몸속에 노폐물, 중금속, 불순물을 몸 밖으로 배출하는 등 온욕효과를 극대화하는 것이다.그러나 이 광천수를 이용할 경우 최소한 20L의 플라스틱 통으로 포장하여야 하는데 이 때 과다한 물류비와 20kg으로 무거워 소비자의 이용에 불편함이 예상 된다