The invention relates to a method and an intelligent system based on X rays for training the surgeons in inserting pedicle screws into the spine. According to the invention, the method uses some polyurethane vertebrae as working models and follows the stages of: identification, on the vertebra, of the entry point for the pedicle screw and the selection of the diameter and the length thereof, drilling the vertebra and the insertion of the screw, acquisition and processing the X ray image, determination of the value for the insertion trajectory deviation in relation to the pedicle axis and including it or not within the safety zone, by means of the computer, by using special software based on an algorithm which uses a Hopfield neural network for segmenting the image and displaying the deviation value and the corresponding evaluation messages. According to the invention, the system comprises a set of test-vertebrae () made of polyurethane (), a roentgenography apparatus () for the X ray image acquisition and a computing unit () with special software for processing the images in order to segment the same by applying an algorithm based on a Hopfield neural network (with automatic extraction of the pedicle screw image as separate object, followed by the computation of the main attributes of the resulting image), the computing unit () having an image acquisition subsystem (), an image pre-processing subsystem (), an image segmentation subsystem (), a high level detection subsystem () and a knowledge/data base ().Invenţia se referă la o metodă şi la un sistem inteligent, bazat pe raze X, pentru instruirea chirurgilor în inserarea de şuruburi pediculare în coloana vertebrală. Metoda conform invenţiei presupune utilizarea unor vertebre din poliuretan drept modele de lucru, şi parcurgerea următoarelor etape: identificarea pe vertebră a punctului de intrare pentru şurubul pedicular, şi alegerea diametrului şi a lungimii acestuia, găurirea vertebrei şi inserarea şurubului, ach