#$%^&*AU2017101416A420180118.pdf#####ABSTRACT The Fluid bag alarm is a rectangular device with a hole on the top of it and a hook at the other end of it. The device is use in conjunction with a hospital stand and sodium chloride irrigation bag. Once the device is hook to the hospital stand, a fluid bag can be hook onto the device. Once that is all set the device can be turn on. If there are power to the unit the LED at the front will light up. Once the bag almost run out or empty of fluid, an Alarm will sound out thus notifying to the nurses that the patient needs their fluid bag changed over.Dripping Bag Alarm Stainless steel casing Alarm / sensor / indicator CB - Battery/Power supply Weighing mechanism to detect when fluid bag empties and lightens. Alarm will go off once 250ml - 2 Litre Fluid Bag