Yi Seed hospital beds are set Yong Ji Time Cheng Chong Installed, comprising bedstead He bed board above Shop Let what bedsteads, The bed board Yi Quality Light And have the Cai Liao System of foot Enough Gang atAnd in Chuan Jia With bed board Inter Let You Complex Number Ge load measuring gauges, The load measuring gauges averagely dissipate the above-mentioned bedstead of Fabric whats and bed board Inter , And Yong Yi Measuring determine the weight of patientAnd one Office manage element, Office reason each Ge load measuring gauges News No. Even of Yuan Jian Fen Do With connect, and use the weighing value that Department Zheng And System Meter are returned Pass by load measuring gaugeThe above-mentioned each Ge load measuring gauges of The When measure weight Zhi And Pass return Office reason element Hou, Office reason element Will Ji Time ?calculate find out patient Total weight and patient position of centre of gravity, use Ti Gong Medical Nursing Ren STAFF more fully Huan person Capital News.一種病床用即時秤重裝置,包含床架和鋪設於床架上方的床板,該床板以質輕並具足夠剛性的材料製成;且在床架與床板之間設有複數個荷重元,該荷重元平均散佈於上述床架以及床板之間,並用以測定患者的重量;以及一處理元件,所述處理元件分別與各個荷重元訊號連接,藉以彙整並統計由荷重元回傳的秤重值;則當上述各個荷重元量得重量值並傳回處理元件之後,處理元件將及時運算求出患者的總重量以及患者的重心位置,藉以提供醫護人員更全面的患者資訊。