Радзинский Виктор Евсеевич (RU),Ураков Александр Ливиевич (RU),Уракова Наталья Александровна (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to obstetrics and gynecology, and can be used in obstetric aid in case of intrauterine hypoxia of fetus and asphyxia of newborn baby. For this purpose US examination of skin of finger-pads of fetus during birth pangs and in breaks between them is performed. Unchanged ultrasonic echogenicity of skin of finger-pads is estimated as good adaptation of fetus to hypoxia in labour and labour is managed in accordance with general rules. Reduction of ultrasonic echogenicity of skin of finger-pads in labour testifies to presence of acrocyanosis in fetus. In this case woman in childbirth is asked to start deep and frequent breathing. If the woman is unconscious, artificial hyperventilation of lungs with breathing gas is carried out up to appearance of first symptoms of oxygen poisoning in the woman, with continuation of hyperventilation until lung respiration in the newborn baby begins and umbilical cord is cut. State of the newborn babys health is performed by means of thermovision camera. Analysis of the newborn babys thermal radiation intensity by means of thermovision camera is started simultaneously with beginning of its body contact with atmospheric air. Birth of newborn baby with normal temperature testifies to absence of cyanosis in it. In this case labour is finished in accordance with general rules. Identification of section of local hypothermia in newborn babys skin testifies to cyanosis and acrocyanosis. In case if newborn baby after its birth does not breath independently, after removal of content of airways and appearance of local hypothermia of skin in peripheral sections of newborn babys body, its reanimation is started by interrupted double compression of chest. Reanimation is stopped when newborn baby starts crying and chest starts to perform respiratory movements. If baby is immobile, respiratory mask, connected with breathing apparatus is applied on its face, and artificial lung ventilation is