Радзинский Виктор Евсеевич (RU),Ураков Александр Ливиевич (RU),Уракова Наталья Александровна (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely, to obstetrics, and can be applied in assistance in delivery in case of intrauterine hypoxia of fetus and asphyxia of new-born. For this purpose continuous thermometry of fetus in infrared range of irradiation spectrum of tissues is performed by thermograph. Presence and localisation of fissure between skull bones is detected on open part of fetuss head. Estimation of presence and degree of hypoxia and ischemia of cerebral cortex of fetus is carried out by level of temperature of head skin in the area of skull fissure projection. If temperature remains in the standard range at all stages of fetus advancement inside birth canal, the level of intrauterine hypoxia and ischemia is estimated as safe. In this case physiological labor is performed. If starting local hypothermia is identified, conclusion about intrauterine hypoxic and ischemic injury of fetuss cerebral cortex is made Fetuss body is imparted forward movement by means of travails until it takes position, at which temperature of skin above skull fissure starts to become normal. If further beginning local hypothermia of skin in area of skull fissure projection is identified, impact is repeated. If normal temperature is identified when fetus advances in birth canal, possibility of healthy child birth is predicted and if parameters do not change physiological labour is carried out.EFFECT: method ensures prevention of hypoxic injury of fetus in labour due to timely identification of temperature changes of fetuss head skin.1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к акушерству, и может быть использовано при принятии родов в случае внутриутробной гипоксии плода и асфиксии новорожденного. Для этого осуществляют непрерывную термометрию плода в инфракрасном диапазоне спектра излучения тканей с помощью тепловизора. На открытой части головы плода определяют наличие и локализацию щели между костями черепа. Оценку наличия и степени гипоксии и ишемии коры