[Challenge] walking speed, exercise intensity or in pedometer to provide in conjunction with the number of steps a useful walking-related information, such as calories burned,, walking-related information has experienced such a problem does not fit with the known numerical content. The present invention, in view of such problems, walking-related information to be provided has an accuracy of at least practically, more can increase the accuracy, the structure is simple economically techniques on inexpensive pedometer I is an object of the present invention to provide. For problem-solving, and captured by the piecewise linear function changes in the percentage of the height of the stride for walking pitch, is represented by a piecewise linear function based on the numerical value of the known relationship of exercise intensity for walking speed, A1 The present invention these It is a basic technology to be simplified by regression analysis with the divided sections of the arithmetic expression and the exercise intensity walking speed derived from. Order to increase the accuracy, it also provides technology for easily reflect the pedometer gait characteristics pedometer users. [Selection Figure Figure 3【課題】歩行速度、運動強度、または消費カロリーなどの有益な歩行関連情報を歩数と併せて提供する歩数計において、歩行関連情報が公知の数値内容と合わないといった問題を経験した。本発明は、このような問題点に鑑み、提供される歩行関連情報が少なくとも実用上の正確さをもち、さらに正確さを高めることができる、構造が単純で経済的に安価な歩数計に関する技術の提供を課題とする。【解決手段】本発明は課題解決のため、歩行ピッチに対する歩幅の身長に対する割合の変化を区分線形関数で捉え、歩行速度に対する運動強度の関係を公知の数値に基づいて区分線形関数で表し、これらから導かれる歩行速度と運動強度の演算式を分割区間で回帰分析して単純化する技術を基本とする。正確さを高めるため、歩数計利用者の歩行特性を歩数計に簡単に反映させる技術も提供する。【選択図】図3