Starostina Svetlana Viktorovna (RU),Старостина Светлана Викторовна (RU),Mareev Oleg Vadimovich (RU),Мареев Олег Вадимович (RU),Nikolenko Vladimir Nikolaevich (RU),Николенко Владимир Николаевич (RU),STAROSTINA SVETLANA VIKTOROVNA,MAREEV OLEG VADIMOVICH,NIKOLENKO VLADIMIR NIKOLAEVICH
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to field of medicine, namely to otorhinolaryngology and can be applied in surgical treatment of patients with unilateral larynx paralysis. Essence of method lies in introduction of transplant through "window" in plate of thyroid cartilage between internal perichondrium of the latter and thyroarytenoid muscle of paralysed vocal fold horizontally frontward from attachment of vocal process of arytenoid cartilage to projection of anterior commissure of fissure of glottis with fixation to thyroid cartilage by means of ligature. Before operation body length, acromial diameter, chest circumference, length and circumference of patient's neck are measured. Value of non-closure of fissure of glottis is determined. Transplant is cut out from quadrangular cartilage of nasal septum in form of right prism with isosceles triangle as its base. Base of triangle equals value of non-closure. Vertical and horizontal dimensions of transplant are determined by equations: for males v=13.255-0.06*X1-0.025*X2+0.04*X3+0.62*X4+0.035*X5 h=12.18-0.045*X1-0.13*X2+0.1*X3+0.475*X4+0.04*X5, and for females v=-0.675+0.055*X1+0.02*X2-0.025*X3+0.07*X4+0.12*X5 h=0.11+0.03*X1+0.115*X2+0.025*X3+0.04*X4-0.075*X5, where v is vertical dimension of transplant, h is horizontal dimension of transplant, x1 is body length, x2 is acromial diameter, x3 is chest circumference, x4 is neck length on the front, x5 is patient's neck circumference.EFFECT: application of claimed invention makes it possible to achieve recovery of vocal function and increase percent of rehabilitation of patients.3 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к оториноларингологии, и может найти применение при хирургическом лечении больных с односторонними параличами гортани. Сущность способа состоит во введении трансплантата через «окно» в пластине щитовидного хряща между внутренней надхрящницей последнего и щиточерпаловидной мышцей парализованной голосовой складки горизонтально