FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to surgery, and can be used in treating patients with common purulonecrotic foot injury with underlying diabetic angiopathy. In compliance with localization and prevalence of pathological process, transmetatarsal or transtarsal amputation of foot is performed. Skin grafts are cut out, shin muscles tendons are attached, distal to the amputation level, necrotic soft tissues, pus ointments are opened. Intersection of foot bones is performed in frontal plane, at the same level, simultaneously, without destruction of foot fixation apparatus. Surface of stump is sanified by physical antiseptic method. In the transverse filed of the foot bones, in the direction and at the depth corresponding to the projection of the outer edge of the posterior surface of the navicular in the astragalus scaphoid joint, laser osteoperforation is carried out with a semiconductor laser with a radiation wavelength of 0.97 mcm, power of 10–25 W, a distance between laser light exposure of 1 cm. Surgical wound is not sutured, a system of controlled negative pressure, a mode of intermittent vacuum for 5 minutes at level 125 mmHg, interval of 3 minutes. Then treatment is performed in accordance with dynamics of wound process.EFFECT: method provides formation of a supportable stump of the foot by single-step removal of the source of infection and creation of conditions for formation of a callosity combining tarsus bones.1 cl, 6 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургии, и может быть использовано при лечении пациентов с распространенным гнойно-некротическими поражением стопы на фоне диабетической ангионейропатии. В соответствии с локализацией и распространенностью патологического процесса выполняют трансметатарзальную либо транстарзальную ампутацию стопы. Выкраивают кожные лоскуты, иссекают сухожилия мышц голени, прикрепляющиеся дистальнее уровня ампутации, некротизированные мягкие ткани, вскрывают гнойные затеки. Пер