Gregory R. Whittaker,Kristian Dimatteo,Mehmet Ziya Sengun
dual cannula system and method for partial thickness rotator cuff repair. A method and system for passing a suture anchor through soft tissue into a bone is presented. The method includes the steps of locating a desired location for anchor reception in the bone; passing a positioning wire through the soft tissues and into the bone at the anchor receiving site and passing over the positioning wire an internal / external cannula system including an internal cannula having a sharp distal tip and an axial lumen through of the same size to accommodate the positioning wire, and an outer cannula having a distal end and an axial lumen therethrough sized to accommodate and coaxially receive the inner cannula, the distal end being tapered to have a gradually increasing pergil and wherein the distal tip of the inner cannula extends distally beyond the end of the distal end of the outer cannula. the sharp distal tip of the inner cannula passes through the soft tissues to create an opening therethrough, and the tapered distal end of the outer cannula passes through the opening to expand it and minimize tissue removal, cutting and disturbance as appropriate. passes through them. The suture anchor passes through the outer cannula and is screwed into the bone at the anchor site.sistema de cânula dual e método para reparo do manguito rotador com espessura parcial. são apresentados um método e um sistema para a passagem de uma âncora de sutura através de tecidos moles e para dentro de um osso. o método inclui as etapas de localizar um local desejado para recepção da âncora no osso; passar um fio de posicionamento através dos tecidos moles e para dentro do osso, no local para recepção da âncora e passando sobre o fio de posicionamento um sistema de cânulas interna/externa que inclui uma cânula interna tendo uma ponta distal afiada e um lúmen axial através da mesma dimensionado para acomodar o fio de posicionamento, e uma cânula externa tendo uma extremidade distal e um lúmen axial atr