Борозда Иван Викторович (RU),Бушманов Александр Вениаминович (RU),Фахрутдинова Светлана Владимировна (RU)
The invention relates to the field of surgery, traumatology, orthopedics, and more particularly to methods for fixing damage of the musculoskeletal system. As a result of a patent search has been found useful model analogue / utility model patent №145481 /. A disadvantage of the design is the bulkiness, complexity reposition and loosening of the rods and needles, which leads to frequent inflammation of soft tissues around them. To eliminate these drawbacks and this invention is intended. The object of the present invention to provide an effective aid affected with pelvic fractures at different periods of traumatic disease, creating a rigid fixation of the pelvic hindfoot throughout the period of treatment, reduced trauma therapeutic benefits, the risk of complications and structural loosening in early functional treatment. The advantage of this model is the small size and weight, providing comfortable use in a patient, reliable stabilization of the pelvis bone fragments and early activation of patients. The invention consists in the fact that antishock device external the pelvic fixation comprises right and left fixing nodes and repositioned in a node, each of said retaining units has two threaded transosseous rod, the inner and outer strap, each of said strips is formed with three longitudinally spaced transverse holes and a threaded bore in the end face, wherein the strips are arranged in pairs in parallel with the arrangement of the transverse openings aligned for placement in the first and third holes carving s transosseous rods and fixing them with nuts between and outside the laths, wherein the threaded holes are in opposite directions, repositioned in a knot formed of the upper long and lower short beams with transverse channels, four plate-like brackets with holes and a threaded shank, wherein the channels on each end beams threaded shank fitted through plate bracket nuts through the ends with holes through which bolts repositioned in a mechanical assembly f