stabilizing dry storage composition for biological materials. The present invention relates to compositions and drying methods for preserving sensitive bioactive materials such as peptides, proteins, hormones, nucleic acids, antibodies, vaccines, drugs, yeasts, probiotic (or otherwise) bacteria, viruses and / or from cell suspensions in storage. The compositions include a carbohydrate component and a glass enhancer component, wherein the carbohydrate component includes a mixture of di-, aligo- and polysaccharides and the glass enhancer includes the organic acid and protein hydrolysate ions. The composition is prepared by dispersing all solid components in solution and then snap-frozen to form small frozen angles, strings or droplets. The preferred method of drying frozen angles, strings or droplets is initiated by a short purge step and by stabilizing the structure of the frozen particles under a vacuum pressure of less than <;0.26 kp (2000 mtorr) followed by a primary drying step under vacuum pressure of more than>; 0.26 kpa (2000 mtorr) and at a desired temperature. During the secondary step and the final material drying step, a total vacuum pressure and elevated temperature are applied to achieve a final desirable water activity of the dried material.composição seca estabilizante de armazenamento para materiais biológicos. a presente invenção refere-se ás composições e métodos de secagem para preservas os materiais bioativos sensíveis, tais como peptídeos, proteínas, hormonas, ácidos nucleicos, anticorpos, vacinas, fármacos,leveduras, bactérias probióticas (ou de outra forma), vírus e/ou de suspensões celulares, no armazenamento. as composições incluem uma componente de carboidratos e um componente de potenciador de vidro, em que o componente de carboidrato inclui uma mistura de di-,aligo-e polissacarideos e o protenciador de vidro inclui os íons de ácido orgânico e de hidrolisados de proteínas. a composição é preparada por meio da dispersão de todos os compo