Various embodiments of acapsularhexis device include a resistive-heatingelement comprising an electricallyresistive, superelastic wire forming a loopbetween first and second ends of the superelasticwire. The loop may be retracted into acollapsed, retracted position or ejected intoan expanded position. The first and secondends of the loop may at least partially extendat an angle from a planar face definedby the loop, to the insulating portion, toform a transitional neck between the loopand the insulating portion. The transitionalneck may have a gap between the first andsecond ends at the insulating portion that iswider than a gap between the first and secondends on the opposing side of the transitionalneck. The gap in the loop of superelasticwire may be sufficiently small to allowthe loop to form a continuous cut in acapsule of an eye.