FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medical equipment and characterises versions of a device for teeth cleaning. In accordance with the first version the device for teeth cleaning contains a case of the device, two mobile piston elements, a flexible membrane, a multitude of bundles of bristles and a drive unit. The case of the device includes its front part, which has two separate internal channels, and the case of a bristle area on its distal end. Two mobile piston elements are located inside two channels and provide impermeability. The flexible membrane is located inside the case in the area of bristles. Two channels are located respectively under and above the membrane, with a flowing medium being present in two channels with the absence of communication by the flowing medium between them. Multiple bundles of bristles are installed on the membrane and pass hermetically through the case. The drive unit for moving pistons alternately with the opposite action inside the two channels is made in such a way that the membrane moves up and down, moving the area of bristles to teeth and from them. The group of inventions also includes the second version of the device for cleaning teeth, which contains a pump and a valve system for supporting the flowing medium in the case.EFFECT: inventions make it possible to prevent cavitation of the flowing medium preventing the cleaning action.15 cl, 8 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицинской технике и характеризует варианты устройств для чистки зубов. По первому варианту устройство для чистки зубов содержит корпус устройства, два подвижных поршневых элемента, гибкую мембрану, множество пучков щетинок и приводной узел. Корпус устройства включает в себя его переднюю часть, имеющую два отдельных внутренних канала, и корпус области щетинок на его дистальном конце. Два подвижных поршневых элемента расположены внутри двух каналов с обеспечением герметичности. Гибкая мембрана расположена внутри корпуса области щет