(57)< Abstract > This invention quite stability of the allotropy shape organic compound is something which offers the formation particle. To form with the use of desire it is possible the particle of this invention. The form where that kind of particle is desirable is minute sphere, is the minute sphere which especially, approximately possesses the diameter of 1 - approximately 1,000 microns. Stability of this invention the formation particle the pharmacology formulation, especially conforms to especially continuous discharge and the production of the formulation when uniform organism utilization characteristic is desired well. The can stability particle is formed by the solid matter crystallization of the allotropy shape organic compound. Solid crystallization method of this invention offers the expedient which achieves the can stability crystalline form of loss of original particle size or deterioration non dying aforementioned allotropy shape chemical compound.本発明は、同素形有機化合物の極めて安定な成形粒子を提供するものである。本発明の粒子は、所望の用途によって成形することが出来る。その様な粒子の好ましい形状は、微小球体であり、特に、約1~約1,000ミクロンの直径を有する微小球体である。本発明の安定な成形粒子は薬理学的製剤、特に持続的放出と均一な生体利用性が望まれる場合の製剤の製造に特に良く適合する。貯蔵安定性粒子は、同素形有機化合物の固体結晶化によって形成される。本発明の固体結晶化方法は、元の粒子寸法の損失或いは劣化無しに前記同素形化合物の貯蔵安定性結晶形態を達成する手段を提供する。