An apparatus and method for training muscle strength and mobility in the neck, and providing a dynamic resting position without pressureon the neck, of a person when in lying position, the apparatus comprising a base element (1), a head sup-port (2) suspended floating above the base element, and a neck support (27) rising from the base element, wherein the neck support provides a fulcrum (32) that de-fines head movementto a pivoting motion about a first axis (X) which runs side-ways substantially along the shoulder line of the body, a pivot connection (5) be-tween the head support (2) and the base element (1) defines head movement to a pivoting motion about a second axis (Y) transversely to the first axis, and by its floating suspensjon (21-24) the head support (2) defines head movement to a piv-oting motion about a third axis (Z) running in the longitudinal direction of the neck and body.