The present invention provides an improved balsam pear scion grafting method, which includes the following steps: stock planting, which plants the melon seeds with strong roots into the medium as the stock scion planting, which plants the balsam pear seeds to be harvested into the medium for scion scion cutting, which cuts the scion along the hypocotyl for harvest after the cotyledon of scion is developed to expose the upper hypocotyl and two eophyllses and before the yellowing of eophyllses, and vertically cuts the scion into two halves along the hypocotyl between the two eophyllses, so as to separate scion and obtain two independent scion seedings stock cutting, which cuts the stock from the hypocotyl or stem to provide the hypocotyl or stem of the stock with at least one grafting surface grafting, which makes the grafting surface of the stock approaching the grafting surface of the scion seedings for attachment and fastens the joining location for the stock and the scion seedings from the outside to complete the grafting procedure.一種苦瓜採穗嫁接方法改良,其包括下列步驟:砧木種植,將根系強健之瓜類種子植入介質中,以做為砧木;接穗種植,將所欲收穫之苦瓜種子植入介質中,以做為接穗;接穗切割,於接穗之子葉展開露出上胚軸及二初生葉至初生葉黃化之前,將接穗由胚軸切割採收,再將接穗由二初生葉間之胚軸縱向剖成兩半,使接穗分離採穗獲得二獨立之接穗苗;砧木切割,將砧木由胚軸或莖部進行切割,使砧木的胚軸或莖部至少具有一嫁接切面;進行嫁接,將砧木之嫁接切面與接穗苗之嫁接面相互靠近貼合,再由外側將砧木與接穗苗接合處予以固定,藉此即可完成嫁接程序。(10)‧‧‧砧木(11)‧‧‧嫁接切面(22)‧‧‧子葉(23)‧‧‧上胚軸(25)‧‧‧接穗苗(251)‧‧‧嫁接面(252)‧‧‧初生葉(30)‧‧‧採穗苦瓜嫁接苗