For example as for this invention, maikobakuteria infection (, Mycobacterium tuberculosis) the useful N benzyl 3 (the 4 chlorophenyl) the 2 [methyl - [the 2 oxo 2 (the 3,4,5 trimethoxyphenyl) acetyl] amino] N [the 3 (the 4 pyridyl) the 1 [the 2 (the 4 pyridyl) ethyl] propyl] propane amide (Timcodar) it regards the constituent in disposal of the patient whom it possesses. In addition as for this invention, manner in order to deal with the patient who possesses the tuberculosis is offered.本発明は、マイコバクテリア感染(例えば、Mycobacterium tuberculosis)を有する患者の処置に有用なN-ベンジル-3-(4-クロロフェニル)-2-[メチル-[2-オキソ-2-(3,4,5-トリメトキシフェニル)アセチル]アミノ]-N-[3-(4-ピリジル)-1-[2-(4-ピリジル)エチル]プロピル]プロパンアミド(Timcodar)の組成物に関する。本発明はまた、結核を有する患者を処置するための方法を提供する。