The purpose of the present invention is to construct infrastructure, that is, a social safety net, which is a technique for supporting the healthy living and safe activities of the elderly through shoes having a built-in sensor and increasing management efficiency of a manager (a guardian) through monitoring, and in which the activities, location information, and the like of a user (an old man or woman) can be measured by the medium of sensor shoes, and the measured information can be made into data to be stored, analyzed and processed and then provided to the user (the old man or woman) and the manager (the guardian), such that the user and the manager can quickly deal with an emergency situation when the emergency situation occurs. A monitoring system includes an activity analysis and recommended activity information providing module, a risk analysis and alarm module, a location information analysis module, and a general management module through analyzing and processing data on the basis of the shoes having a sensor measuring the activities and location information of the elderly. Here, the sensor (HW) communicates with a mobile device with Bluetooth 4.0 BLE based on an attitude heading reference system (AHRS) sensor. The shoes (HW) are composed of functional shoes for the elderly to which a sensor can be attached. The monitoring system (SW) includes a system operating and general management module, the activity analysis and recommended activity information providing module, the risk analysis and alarm module, the location information analysis module, a data display module, a mobile application for a user, a mobile application for a manager, an integrated monitoring system (based on web), and a sub-monitoring system.본 발명은 센서를 탑재한 신발을 통해 노인의 생활건강과 안전한 활동을 지원하고 모니터링을 통해 관리자(보호자)의 관리 효율을 높이는 기술로써 센서신발을 매개로 사용자(노인)의 활동량, 위치정보 등을 신발을 통해 측정되어지고 측정된 정보를 Data화하여 저장하고 분석 및 가공을 통해 사용자(노인)와 관리자(보호자)에게 제공하고 응급 및 위급상황 발생 시 신속하게 대처할 수 있는 인프라, 즉 사회안전망을 구축하기 위한 것으로서, 노인의 활동량, 위치