The invention concerns an electronic display system, intended to be coupled with ultrasound imaging equipment capable of capturing an image of a medium, said system comprising a first monitor to display an ultrasound image such as captured by the ultrasound imaging equipment and image processing means. According to the invention, the system further comprises a second touch-screen monitor, means to duplicate the ultrasound image, means to send this duplicate to the second monitor on which at least part therefore is displayed, means to display at least one graphical element which, by means of the tactility of the screen, is used to perform at least one processing operation on the ultrasound image, means for instant application of all processing operations performed using the second monitor to the duplicate ultrasound image displayed on the second monitor, and means for instant or deferred application to the ultrasound image displayed on the first monitor of all or part of the processing operations performed on the duplicate ultrasound image by means of the second monitor.