The purpose of this invention is to provide a treating method being able to treat microorganisms, particularly waste yeasts into a treated matter having high added-value and a treated matter thereof. This invention provides a method for producing a microorganism-derived reductive mixture with a redox potential below 0mV, which is characterized by treating microorganisms or microorganisms components with a superheat steam under the absence of oxygen.本發明的目的係提供一種能夠將微生物,特別是廢酵母,變成具有高附加價值之處理物的處理方法及其處理物。本發明提供一種具有0mV以下之氧化還原電位之源自微生物的還原性混合物之製造方法,其特徵係將微生物或微生物的成分在無氧存在下進行過熱水蒸氣處理。