An Animal Trap Cage by sensing the reflecting microwave from the intrusive animal, and then actuate the Actuator to enclose the Cage which avoid animal escaping. This device include a metal chassis, microwave transmitter and receiver, electrical Actuator, Trap Cage with enclosing gate and torque spring. In standby condition, the Electrical Actuator will extrude a Metal-Stopper to keep the Enclosing Gate of the Trap Cage opening. When intrusive animal come into the Trap Cage, it will cause the reflecting microwave from the animal body, and sensed by the Microwave Receiver. In the case, the Electrical Actuator will receive an electric signal from the Receiver and then actuate to extract the Metal-Stopper which cause the Enclosing Gate of Trap Cage shut down by the force from The Torque Spring, and then constrain the activity of intrusive animal without escaping.