A dispensing system (1) for the administration of medications (5) during a medication dosing regimen and comprising: (i) a tray (2) comprising: a frame (27); an interconnected array (3) of compartments (4), each compartment being sized to house a plurality of medications inside; in which the frame acts as an interconnecting member to keep the compartments in position in an interconnected matrix; and in which when each compartment is removed from the frame it leaves an opening (11) in the frame; (ii) a closure (12) for the compartments in which the closure comprises a sheet that includes an individual closure (9) for each of the compartments, the closure arranged so that the closure and compartments form a series of containers (19) airtight for medication containment; being, for this purpose, the compartments and the closure arranged so that each airtight container is breakable from the interconnected matrix so that an airtight container can be removed from the matrix, additionally in which each airtight container comprises information identifying a time of the dosage regimen during which the medicine contained in the container is intended to be administered, and the airtight containers are arranged sequentially according to the administration times.Un sistema (1) de dispensación para la administración de medicamentos (5) durante un régimen de dosificación de medicamentos y que comprende: (i) una bandeja (2) que comprende: un marco (27); una matriz (3) interconectada de compartimentos (4), estando cada compartimiento dimensionado para alojar en su interior una pluralidad de medicamentos; en el que el marco actúa como un miembro de interconexión para mantener los compartimientos en posición en una matriz interconectada; y en el que cuando cada compartimento es retirado del marco deja una abertura (11) en el marco; (ii) un cierre (12) para los compartimentos en el que el cierre comprende una lámina que incluye un cierre (9) individual para cada uno de los compartimient