A charcoal grill apparatus comprising: a cart; an upper surface located on the cart; an ash can opening located on the upper surface; a burner located on the upper surface; a grill kettle, the grill kettle comprising a kettle lid that sits on a lower base section, the lower base section configured to sit on the ash can opening and to sit on the burner; an ash can removably attachable at the underside of the upper surface and aligned with the ash can opening; and an electric blower configured to circulate air from the burner to fuel in the lower base section when the lower base section is sitting on the burner. A method of grilling food, the method comprises: placing charcoal on lower grate in grill kettle; moving lower base section to burner on cart; lighting burner and turning on blower to quickly ignite and prepare charcoal for cooking; moving lower base section to ash can opening on cart, after about 7 minutes; turning off burner and blower; grilling food; emptying coals from lower base section into ash can after allowing to cool; and removing ash can from cart and disposing of coals. A method of grilling food, the method comprises: removing ash can from cart; attaching lower base section to top of ash can; lighting charcoal in lower base section by using the ash can and combustible material to light the charcoal; and grilling food.