1. A method of producing a broad spectrum of radiation with the wave characteristics specific fixation for influencing biological objects Ultraweak electromagnetic field, comprising the steps of: producing activation in a wide range of radiation exposure to the object while the magnetic, electric, electromagnetic field and shaking the object, produce information Sh of radiation, the translation of the information into an electrical signal and digitizing the active wave characteristics specific for various x objects are stored as files at startup in which the personal user devices is modulated electromagnetic waves emitted by them, form a file selector, which is stored in pamyati.2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the selector files stored in the PC memory, portable user devices, removable drives, memory cards in the "clouds" .3. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the file selector files transmitted via Internet.4. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that a portable user device is a PC, smart phone, mobile phone, video or audio player, smart watch, tablet noutbuk.5. Method effects on biological objects Ultraweak electromagnetic field, comprising: obtaining the file selector, according to the method of claim 1, and stores it in the flash memory of the portable user device, selects the desired effects by selecting the corresponding file from the file selector launch. which allows the modulation of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the portable User The1. Способ получения широкого спектра излучений с фиксацией специфических волновых характеристик для воздействия на биологические объекты сверхслабым электромагнитным полем, содержащий этапы, на которых:производят активизацию излучений в широком спектре одновременным воздействием на объект магнитным, электрическим, электромагнитным полем и встряхиванием объекта,производят съем информации об излучениях, перевод этой информации в электрический сигнал и оцифровку биологически активных волновых