The present invention relates to a method for preparing a proceed weaning food formulation from cereals such as wheat, jower, rice and pulses like green gram and/ or moth bean is provided, the processing involves such as soaking/steeping in water for 8-10 hrs at an ambient temperature followed by germination and sprouting at 20 °C for wheat, jower and 35 °C for rice, similar for pulses such as green gram and moth bean i.e at 20 °C the time required for the germination of wheat is up to 96 hrs, for jower it is 48 hrs, for rice it is 72 hrs, and pulses such as green gram and moth-bean 48 hrs Further, germinated or sprouted grains are subjected to the dry roasting and kilned in an electric roaster at 70 °C for 15 minutes to obtain roasted grains , roasted grains are conditioned to remove bran from kilned grains and debraned grains are used for flour making, the debraned grains pulverised into flour having particles size 60 mesh or less In an another aspect of the invention the flour prepared from the cereals such as wheat, jower, rice and pulses such as green gram, moth-bean is taken in ratio of 11111 w/w%to 11120.5 w/w% which is mixed thoroughly to obtain.homogeneous mixture the same is either mixed with hot or cold milk, water or cooked in water to serve in semi-solid or liquid form, the amount of the weaning formulation to be served for one time is 10-20 gms per serving In another aspect of the invention the weaning formulation of the present invention is studied for physical and chemical properties and the effect of the processing on the formulation is studied, it is also provided the various parameters to make it acceptable and commercial viable option at the low cost compare to commercial available weaning food compositions