A system for the cultivation of plants, comprising: a cultiva-tion table (22), in which the plants to be cultivated have beenplaced at least for the time of the growing stage; growingsubstrates (11) in which the seeds of the plant are sown andwhich are placed at the initial end (26) of the cultivation tablefor germination; and elongated troughs (1) which hold thegrowing substrates (11) in which troughs also the seeds andseedlings of the plant as well as the grown plants are placedduring both said germination and said growing stage. In themethod for cultivation of plants in a greenhouse, a growingsubstrate (11) for the cultivation of plants is placed in anelongated trough (1), and seeds of a plant are sown in saidgrowing substrate placed in the trough. In the system and themethod, an elongated trough is used, comprising anelongated chamber (2) limited by two side walls (3, 4) and abottom (5), and being totally open at the top.