method of improving the nutritional effect of natural and artificial sweeteners method of improving the nutritional effect of natural and artificial sweeteners consisting of coconut oil mixed with natural or artificial sweetener. One of the negative parts of sweeteners in general is that our bodies are not designed to handle these calorie free products, whether natural or artificial. Experiencing the sweet taste of a food that won't provide sugar, our body's sugar treatment process ends up being confused. With this in mind, we have developed the method of improving the nutritive effect of natural and artificial sweeteners, in order to eliminate these and other drawbacks, because adding coconut oil to the sweeteners will change its formulation, supplying the lack of good calories, and especially the energy that is lacking in today's sweeteners. thus avoiding damage to the body, as mentioned above, giving better nutritional balance and ends up deceiving the body, which used other energy sources, which were not foreseen, due to lack of energy from the calorie-free sweetening methods, now replenishing with energy of coconut oil. The method of enhancing the nutritive effect of natural and artificial sweeteners will be made known by the following detailed reading: Figure 1: Coconut oil which is mixed with the sweetener. Figure 2: represents the sweetener that is mixed with coconut oil Figure 3: represents the different forms of the mixture of coconut oil with the sweetener. number 1 in figure 3: represents the powder form. number 2 represents the liquid form and number 3 represents the tablet form.resumo método de melhorar o efeito nutritivo dos adoçantes naturais e artificiais método de melhorar o efeito nutritivo dos adoçantes naturais e artificiais, constituído com o óleo de coco misturado com adoçante natural ou artificial. uma das partes negativas dos adoçantes de maneira geral, é que nossos corpos não são projetados para lidar com esses produtos sem calorias, sejam