The invention relates to a device (1) for dispensing a pasty liquid material (2) by means of a low-pressure manual metering pump (5), which is provided with an system for closing an end (32), and which is intended for a rigid or flexible container (4), the operation of said pump being ensured by: a lower check valve (11) and a metering chamber (10) which consists of a resiliently deformable bellows (9) and which is in communication with an upper valve (14) consisting of in series: a stopper (16) for the channel (13) of the spout (8), which ensures that the end (32) is closed; a resiliently deformable diaphragm (15) enabling the stopper (16) to be opened; an auxiliary return member (17) suitable for the low pressures causing the closing of the stopper (16); and a sealed vessel (18), characterized in that the resiliently deformable diaphragm (15) is combined with the vessel (18) that said diaphragm seals, wherein the auxiliary return member (17) is arranged inside said vessel so as to be permanently linked to the diaphragm (15), and said vessel includes two levels (19, 20) that are resiliently deformable according to various characteristics.本発明は低圧手動計量ポンプ(5)を用いてペースト状の液体材料(2)を計量分配する装置(1)に関し、ポンプは端部(32)を閉塞するシステムを備え、剛的な又は可撓な容器(4)のために意図され、ポンプの動作は、下方逆止弁(11)及び計量チャンバ(10)によって保証され、計量チャンバは弾性的に変形可能なベローズ(9)で構成され、上方逆止弁(14)と連絡し、上方逆止弁(14)は、端部(32)が閉塞されることを保証する注口(8)の通路(13)のためのストッパ(16)と、ストッパが開放させられることを可能にする弾性的に変形可能な隔壁(15)と、ストッパの閉塞を引き起こす低圧に適した補助的な復帰部材(17)と、封止導管(18)とで連続的に構成され、弾性的に変形可能な隔壁(15)は、隔壁が封止する導管(18)と組み合わせられ、補助的な復帰部材(17)は、隔壁と恒久的に連結される導管の内側に配置され、導管(18)は、様々な特性に従って弾性的に変形可能な2つのレベル(19,20)を含むことによって特徴付けられる。