the invention relates to a preparation for the controlled release of active substances in vitro, which is designed so that during a medical padding included substance and akceptorsko fluid is permeable membranes, which would impede the release of the active ingredient. the preparation of the invention comprises a water tub (1) with the temperature and 1 - 6 cells (2) with constant stirring. each cell (2) is made from pp mass and has the form of a dish with a lid.the cell is akceptorska liquid (3) on the surface of which is mounted the sanitary coverings (6), which is made of polyurethane foam and has the form of a cylinder of height h and a 5 mm diameter, which is smaller than the diameter of 1 mm cells in the middle section of the cylinder is of square shape in which the set medical coating with incorporated active \/ active substance (7).on the lower surface (6) is attached to an inert, granular five net (8), which prevents the coating akceptorsko sank into the medical fluid.Izum se nanaša na pripravo za in-vitro nadzorovano sproščanje učinkovine, ki je zasnovana tako, da med sanitetno oblogo z vključeno učinkovino in akceptorsko tekočino ni prepustne membrane, ki bi ovirala sproščanje učinkovine. Priprava po izumu obsega vodno kopel (1) s termostatom ter 1-6 celic (2) s stalnim mešanjem. Posamezna celica (2) je izdelana iz PP mase in ima obliko posodice s pokrovom. V celici je akceptorska tekočina (3) na površini katere je nameščen nosilec sanitetne obloge (6), ki je izdelan iz poliuretanske pene in ima obliko valja višine h prednostno 5 mm in premer, kije največ 1 mm manjši kot premer celice d. Na sredini valja je izsek kvadratne oblike v katerega se namesti sanitetna obloga z vključeno zdravilno učinkovino/aktivno substanco (7). Na spodnji ploskvi nosilca (6) je pritrjena inertna, prepustna PET mrežica (8), ki preprečuje, da bi se sanitetna obloga potopila v akceptorsko tekočino.