FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: psychotherapy follows history taking and psychoduagnostic study in the psychologist-patient environment for 7 sessions. The first analytical session involves determining a degree and pattern of the motivation the patient is briefly made aware with the sessions of the suggested psychotherapy. On the second session, the patient is offered to reproduce senses of apprehension and to get rid of them by an examinational working out of all life periods consequently herewith, the patient is presented with cards to write down answers to the questions asked by the psychologist the sun is to be drawn above the answers written downs. Thereafter, the patient tears the cards and burns them, and the psychologist draws the sun on one empty card to be given to the patient as a gift. The third session involve inspiring the patient to reproduce senses of soreness and to get rid of them by an examinational working out of all life periods consequently the patient is suggested to reproduce each soreness and to inflate a balloon consequently to be imagined as a container for each specific soreness. Then, the patient is suggested to write down a speech for the offenders on each balloon requesting for forgiveness then the balloons are laid on the floor, and the patient says a cheerful goodbye to the soreness and sits down on the balloons to pop them one by one. The fourth session aims at testing the patient for the ability of the patient to point up on his/her inner underloved child, challenges, goals, problems, a degree of achievement, necessity and specificity of further efforts the procedure involves mirror working out. Then the patient is trained by the specialist to relax: with patches over his/her eyes, the patients moves to music in the dark space and execute relaxing movements thereafter he/she does this exercise at home. On the fifth session, a patients self- depreciation is stated the patient takes paints and a sheet of paper and makes a portrait of the