The present invention discloses an environmental pests extinguisher, which is to place a bait article in a cage for catching pests, such as fly, fruit fly, mosquito, forcipomyia (commonly known as little black midge). Currently, there are many pests causing lots of troubles to the human beings and also lots of diseases, so that the environmental pests extinguisher may be used to reduce the breeding of pests as well as reduce the biological vector sources brought by the pests. The interior of the pets extinguishing net is configured with a bait placement device, and the bait device is disposed with the pest killing baits to attract the pests for eating. After the pests ate and flied out, they will be kept in the net due to the glue painting coated on the environmental pests extinguisher, so as to kill the pests and achieve the environmental protection.本創作係一環境害蟲撲滅器,可在籠子內放置一誘餌物品可用來,捕捉蒼蠅、果蠅、蚊子、鋏蠓(俗稱小黑蚊)這一類的害蟲,目前有不少害蟲對人類造成許多困擾也帶來不少的疾病,因此可藉由環境害蟲撲滅器來減少害蟲的滋生也可減少一些害蟲帶來的病媒源。在害蟲撲殺網內部設置有一放置誘餌機,誘餌機內放置添加殺蟲餌料可引來害蟲進食,害蟲進食後再飛出時會因塗在環境害蟲撲滅器上,的黏膠漆而留在網內以達到害蟲撲殺又環保。10‧‧‧上掛式伸縮螺栓組11‧‧‧壁掛固定弓架12‧‧‧防雨抗曬上蓋13‧‧‧插頭預留孔14‧‧‧鐵網15‧‧‧水盤16‧‧‧固定活扣19‧‧‧下支撐活動螺絲組20‧‧‧誘蟲燈21‧‧‧誘餌機22‧‧‧內層23‧‧‧上蓋24‧‧‧加溫器25‧‧‧電源座26‧‧‧黏膠漆27‧‧‧鐵條28‧‧‧鐵片29‧‧‧電線30‧‧‧電源開關31‧‧‧活動門