Шепеленко Виталий Борисович (RU),Черниченко Владимир Викторович (RU)
1. A method of sensing devices for promoting gastrointestinal tract containing a capsule housing comprising the power source, light source, a video camera, and registration module transmitting information storage unit setting parameters measured external environment status sensors monitoring the status of the gastrointestinal tract, the controller analyzing the state of the gastrointestinal tract, based on the movement of the device under the action of forces generated by the interaction of elements of the device with the bearing surfaces of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized in that the movement of the unit case provided by installing within the housing block modulation mode active movement providing forced promotion of the gastrointestinal traktu.2 device. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the active modulation mode motion block is in the form of vibrational inertial mechanism that creates a cyclic alternating inertial force along the longitudinal axis of the housing ustroystva.3. The method of claim. 2, characterized in that the eccentric shaft is mounted on elektroprivoda.4. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that on the outer surface of the housing device having a preferably cylindrical structural elements operate, creating a resistance force acting along the longitudinal axis of the device, with its various forward and backward movement through the gastrointestinal traktu.5 . A method according to claim. 4, wherein the exterior surface forming the body portion with structural elements that create the drag force is performed in the form of helical combs.1. Способ продвижения устройства зондирования по желудочно-кишечному тракту, содержащего корпус в виде капсулы, включающего источник питания, источник света, видеокамера, модуль регистрации и передачи информации, блок хранения установок измеряемых параметров состояния наружной среды, датчики контроля состояния желудочно-кишечного тракта, контроллер анализа состояния желудочно-кишечного т