An event-basedbio-signal capturing system is disclosed. At least one bio-signal capturingdevice captures a bio-signal measured from biological beings; and at least oneevent capturing device captures an event and generates a corresponding eventmarker. A data recording device acquires the bio-signal and the event marker,wherein the bio-signal and the event marker are acquired with correspondingtime reference for subsequent event-based data analysis.一種基於事件的生理訊號擷取系統,至少一生理訊號擷取裝置藉由量測生物以擷取生理訊號;以及至少一事件擷取裝置用以擷取事件並產生相應事件標記。資料記錄裝置獲得生理訊號及事件標記,其中在獲得生理訊號及事件標記的同時,也得到相應參考時間,作為後續基於事件的資料分析使用。