ПЬЮ Рэндалл Б. (US),КЕРНИК Эдвард Р. (US),НИЛИ Уилльям Честер (US),АБУХАЛКАХ Дуайт (US),ВОСС Лесли А. (US),ПАТТ Карсон С. (US),РАЙЕЛЛ Джеймс Дэниел (US)
1. Main unit case to accommodate for storing one or more ophthalmic lenses, wherein the main unit includes: a cell case to accommodate the storage of an ophthalmic lens iistochnik disinfecting radiation, which ensures the supply of disinfectant radiation in a storage compartment in the case of ophthalmic lenses for storing ophthalmic linz.2. Basic unit according to claim 1, further comprising a reflective surface for reflecting radiation disinfectant into the storage compartment ophthalmic linz.3. Basic unit according to claim 1, further comprising an alignment mechanism for aligning the radiation source with respect to the disinfectant of the storage ophthalmic linz.4. Basic unit according to claim 3, wherein the alignment mechanism comprises a centering shtift.5. Basic unit according to claim 4, wherein the centering pin comprises a circular pin mounted in the recess of the case cover storage linz.6. Basic unit according to claim 5, wherein the centering pin comprises one or more sources izlucheniya.7 disinfectant. Basic unit according to claim 6, wherein said one or more sources of radiation comprises UV disinfecting light emitting diod.8. Basic unit according to claim 7, wherein the ultraviolet light emitting diode emits radiation at a frequency of from 250 nanometers to 280 nanometrov.9. Basic unit according to claim 1, wherein the disinfectant emitted radiation can destroy microorganisms on the surface of an ophthalmic lens, which is in compartment hraneniya.10. Basic unit according to claim 1, further comprising an optical device for directing radiation disinfectant1. Основной блок для размещения футляра для хранения одной или более офтальмологической линзы, где основной блок включает:ячейку для размещения футляра для хранения офтальмологической линзы иисточник дезинфицирующего излучения, который обеспечивает поступление дезинфицирующего излучения в отделение для хранения офтальмологических линз в футляре для хранения офтальмологических линз.2. Основной блок