Osintsev Aleksej Nikolaevich (RU),Осинцев Алексей Николаевич (RU)
FIELD: pharmaceutics.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to pharmaceutical industry, namely to a method for preparing a concentrate of biologically active substances from antlers. Method for obtaining a concentrate of biologically active substances from antlers, according to which: skin and hair cover antlers are separated and the obtained raw material is ground to size of 1–4 mm; raw material is extracted with 70 % ethyl alcohol, acidified with acetic acid to pH 4.7–5.5, with ratio of raw material to ethyl alcohol 1÷4, while heating to temperature of 52–62 °C for 5–6 hours; after first extraction repeated extraction of 35 % ethyl alcohol, acidified with acetic acid to pH 4.7–5.5, with ratio between raw material and ethyl alcohol 1÷3, when heated to 78–80 °C for 5–6 hours; after each extraction, obtained liquid is drained and cooled; produced after extraction cake is washed from alcohol residues, is fermented in water solution with papain 0.1–0.2 % of ground raw material weight, in ratio between cake and water solution 1÷5, at temperature 36–37 °C for 7–8 hours; enzymes are inactivated in mixture at temperature 80–82 °C for 1 hour and cooling mixture to temperature of 37–39 °C; liquid hydrolyzate is separated from the mixture by filtration and separation; obtained extract and hydrolyzate are mixed, evaporated and subjected to lyophilic drying and then obtained concentrate is milled.EFFECT: concentrate obtained by the method described above is characterized by high output of biologically active substances.7 cl, 1 tblИзобретение относится к фармацевтической промышленности, а именно к способу получения концентрата биологически активных веществ из пантов. Способ получения концентрата биологически активных веществ из пантов, согласно которому: производят отделение с пантов кожного и волосяного покрова и измельчают полученное сырье до размера 1-4 мм; проводят экстракцию сырья 70%-ным этиловым спиртом, подкисленным уксусной кислотой до рН 4,7-5,5, при соотношении между сырьем и эт