Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Донской государственный технический университет" (ДГТУ)
Старцев Александр Вениаминович (RU),Пономарева Елена Николаевна (RU),Журба Дарья Геннадьевна (RU)
The device belongs to the section of aquaculture - crayfish, namely, when cultivating crayfish, using this design, you can increase the density of its planting in closed water supply units (RAS). As you know, crayfish are bottom hydrobionts, for the cultivation of which large areas are required, since according to only 3-4 individuals can be planted per 1 m, based on 1 male - 2-3 females. It is not unimportant in the arrangement of reservoirs, RAS, aquariums, etc. they have minks (shelters) for keeping crayfish. Under natural conditions, crayfish usually hide under snags, stones or in burrows. In crustacean farms, cuttings of polypropylene pipes tied in 2-3 rows have recently been used as shelters. It makes no sense to use more rows, since the crayfish above are not populated. With the help of such improvised shelters, the density of crayfish stocking can be increased by only 2-3 times. The multi-tiered structure developed by us makes it possible to increase the biomass production from cultivated crayfish by 6-10 times. During the study, it was found that crayfish settle in the zone of greatest aeration. Therefore, the oxygen supply in this multi-tiered structure is carried out through the holes in the racks, to which air is supplied from the aerator through the hoses. Thus, providing each tier with a sufficient amount of oxygen and creating favorable conditions for the life of crayfish. The technical result is an increase in the biomass of the grown object. The technical result is achieved due to the fact that the multi-tier structure for growing crayfish includes vertical and horizontal stands made of polypropylene tubes, brazed with polypropylene corners and having holes, and shelves fixed to the vertical racks, made of plastic mesh, with the vertical and horizontal racks fastened together, and silicone hoses for the compressors are inserted into the holes located in the lower part of the racks. diameter 0.2 cm or less, and there are three shelves.Устройство отно