The invention concerns a process for manufacturing a dental restoration, inwhich, basedon a scanning result of a mouth situation with the help of a CAD software, adentalrestoration is designed and is produced as a positive model in a shaping stepin a materialthat is removable without leaving residues, such as wax or polyacrylics, bymeans ofremoving or in a generative fashion, for instance by means of rapidprototyping, whichpositive model is demoulded and removed with the help of a muffle in abasically knownfashion, and which muffle is provided with a pressing channel which isconnected via aconveyor channel with a cavity for the dental restoration corresponding to thepositivemodel, wherein the blank inserted into the pressing channel is heated and issubjected topressure, such that it is deformed and dental material for shaping the dentalrestorationflows into the cavity through the conveyor channel and fills the former,characterised in thatin the shaping step or subsequent to that, based on the dimensions of themuffle in relationto the size and shape of the positive model or the positive models, at leastone conveyorchannel is automatically produced for each positive model with the help of amodule of theCAD software, wherein the module defines a virtual inside space within themuffle forarrangement of the dental restoration inside that, wherein the conveyorchannel extends atan angle of between 0° and 130°, in relation to the axis of thepressing channel in aninclined fashion away from that, in particular essentially along an isotherminside themuffle, wherein the position with the largest wall thickness of the positivemodel is selectedas a docking site, and the module positions the positive model in relation tothe conveyorchannel in such a fashion that it extends in elongation of the axis of theconveyor channeland the length of the virtual axis through the positive model is maximised.