The present invention is based on the surprising result that packaging materials comprising at least one moisture modulating agent can significantly reduce moisture loss, physical damage, and/or microbial decay of produce. Inclusion of such moisture modulating agent(s) can provide at least one of the following advantages: (1) less disease development as compared to traditional packaging material; (2) fresher, firmer produce with less rot or defects (for example cracking or splitting); (3) better see-through as compared to traditional packaging material; (4) preventing the humidity inside the bag from coalescing into large drops or even pools of water (i.e., less water accumulation or moisture condensation within the package); and (5) providing sufficient gas transmission of oxygen (O2)/carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or a quality management agent, for example ethylene or 1-MCP, for better quality control during storage at room temperature (shelf life).