The present invention I provide a cutting bracket of the bush cutter with increased work efficiency, which is attached to the spindle rod of a brush cutter to cut the Tsuruya ivy. The apparatus includes a fixing bracket 5 attached to the spindle cowpea of the bush cutter, and a cutting blade 7 which is fixed to the fixing bracket 5, the cutting blade 7 is arranged obliquely to a trapezoid on both sides of the bottom. Give only to edge downward both sides cut bracket is also considered easy safety use in small, lightweight, while push or pull the brush cutter uses the cut bracket as sickle easily can turn off the ivy and vine it is possible to increase the efficiency of safe operations. .BACKGROUND【課題】つるや蔦を切断する刈払機の主軸棒に取り付けられる作業能率を高めた刈払機の切断金具を提供する。【解決手段】刈払機の主軸捧に取り付けた固定金具5と、該固定金具5に固定した切断刃7とを備え、前記切断刃7は台形であって底辺の両側に斜めに設ける。切断金具が小型軽量で使いやすく安全面も考えて下向きの両側だけに刃を付け、刈払機を押したり引いたりしながら切断金具を鎌のように使用し簡単に蔦やつるを切ることができ安全で作業の効率を高めることができる。【選択図】図1