The invention provides a unique formulation of short chain, medium chain, longchainand very long chain saturated, unsaturated, non-essential, and essential fattyacids thatconform to the full spectrum of fatty acids required for normal cell membranemaintenanceand function. The oil composition can lower LDL cholesterol levels whilenormalizing levels ofkey biochemical diagnostic metabolites in the human body. The mixture'sstability, digestibilityand potency are maintained with limonene and menthol. The nutritional fattyacid supplementcan be incorporated as a delivery agent of pharmaceuticals and biochemicals ortheformulation can be added into salads, infused into gel pill formats and asadditives in foodproducts. The formulation can be used topically for alleviating certain skindisorders such asskin rashes (eczema and seborrhea dermatitis). The mixture can be ofbeneficial use forpeople with autism, ADHD, mental health related issues and generalcardiovascular andmetabolic disorders.