A shortening system, such as a spray shortening system; for instance, ashortening system containing unhydrogenated or non-hydrogenated vegetable oil,such as a highly unsaturated, non-hydrogenated or unhydrogenated vegetableoil, e.g., soybean oil or canola oil and a minimum or minor amount (e.g., byweight about 3-10%, advantageously about 3-7%, more advantageously about 3-6%or about 3-5% or less than about 6% or less than about 8%) of conserved transmonoglyceride and/or diglyceride, advantageously a monoglyceride or a mono-anddiglyceride that is mostly monoglyceride, based on a highly unsaturated oil,such as a highly unsaturated vegetable oil, e.g., canola or soybean oil, whichhas been selectively and partially hydrogenated so as to result inconservation of the geometric isomer of the C18:1 ester, namely the C18:1t orelaidic ester, as well as to methods for making and using such a shorteningsystem, products from the use of such a shortening system, and themonoglyceride and/or diglyceride constituent of the shortening system, andmethods for making and uses thereof.