The present invention includes a genetically-modified non-human animal model of longevity and increased health span, which is associated with reduced tumorigenesis and tumor metastasis, as well as related methods for increasing longevity and health span, reducing tumorigenesis and tumor metastasis, and identifying active agents that confer increased longevity or health span, or reduced tumorigenesis or tumor metastasis.本發明包含一種長壽且增加健康年限之經遺傳修飾的非人類動物模型,其與降低腫瘤發生率和腫瘤轉移率相關,本發明也包含可增加壽命和健康年限、降低腫瘤發生和腫瘤轉移的方法,同時也提供能鑑別增加壽命或健康年限或降低腫瘤發生或腫瘤轉移之活性藥劑的方法。