This invention is related to a beauty composition for both dry and wet applications on face, at least containing Talc with 45~58 percentage by weight, kaolin clay with 14~18 percentage by weight, Titanium dioxide with 10~14 percentage by weight, natural dyes with 3~6 percentage by weight, pearl powder with 3~6 percentage by weight, Vitamin E with 1.5~4 percentage by weight, hazelnut extract with 1.5~4 percentage by weight, Malvaceae extract with 1.5~4 percentage by weight, pollens with 1.5~4 percentage by weight, almond extract with 1.5~4 percentage by weight, Evening Primose Oil with 1.5~4 percentage by weight, grape seeds oil with 1.5~4 percentage by weight, and palm oil with 1.5~4 percentage by weight by pre-grounding the Talc, kaolin clay, Titanium dioxide, natural dyes and pearl powder, then adding Evening Primose Oil, grape seeds oil and palm oil, all together in water bath, thereafter, warming up to 90℃ and stirring till dissolved completely. Cool the mixture to 50 ℃, then adding Vitamin E, hazelnut extract, Malvaceae extract, pollens, almond extract for further stirring 20 minutes to achieve the said invention, which is safe to use for improving skin fineness and shrinking the pores on face.本發明乃係有關一種美化膚質之乾濕兩用敷面組成物,主要係由滑石粉45~58%、高嶺土14~18%、鈦白10~14%、天然色料3~6%、珍珠粉末3~6%、維他命E1.5~4%、榛果核萃取物1.5~4%、錦葵萃取物1.5~4%、花粉粉末1.5~4%、杏仁萃取物1.5~4%、月見草油1.5~4%、葡萄籽油1.5~4%及棕櫚油1.5~4%,而其製造,乃係將滑石粉、高嶺土、鈦白、天然色料、珍珠粉末等先行研磨後,添加月見草油、葡萄籽油及棕櫚油再隔水加熱至90度C並攪拌到完全溶解,並在溫度降到50度C後加入維他命E、榛果核萃取物、錦葵萃取物、花粉粉末、杏仁萃取物,且繼續慢速攪拌約20分鐘,即完成使用上安全,且對皮膚毛孔大小變化與臉部細緻性有改善效果之本發明。