The present invention provides a fabrication method for polyester antibacterial fibers, which employs the polyester particles composed of polyester and nano antibacterial powder, and draws and cut the polyester particles as short fibers extrudes the short fibers as single layer of polyester fiber layer and, extrudes and bonds two layers of polyester fiber layers with a needle punching method wherein, the nano antibacterial powder may be a powder mixture of one or more than one type of silver ion and nano silver, bamboo charcoal and anions to provide the effects of water absorption, antibacterial and deodorizing. The fibers may be applied in shoe pads and mattress applications.本發明為聚酯抗菌纖維加工方法,其主要係由聚酯及奈米抗菌粉體所構成之聚酯粒,且經聚酯粒抽絲裁切為短纖維,並將短纖維擠壓為單層聚酯纖維層,再以針扎方式將二層聚酯纖維層擠壓複合,其中奈米抗菌粉體可為一種或一種以上之銀離子及奈米銀、竹碳、負離子等材的粉體混合,以提供具吸水抗菌除臭之功效,而此纖維可運用於鞋墊及床墊所實施。A1...混合A2...擠壓切粒A3...紡絲A4...切成短纖A5...擠壓密合A6...複合